One Lovely Blog Award

I love food blogging and I love getting these little awards from my fellow bloggers because it’s always nice to know that other writers enjoy reading your stuff. Thank you Christine from Texana’s Kitchen! Anyone who reads my blog already knows that I’m a huge fan of her blog as well. There are a few rules to receiving this Lovely Blog Award and they are as follows:
Create a link to the sight of the person who gave you the award. See above…check!
Write 7 random facts about yourself. See below…check!!
- I love reality television. I know it’s scripted and I don’t care. The dumber the better. I can spend hours mesmerized in front of the T.V. watching shows like 19 Kids & Counting, The Little People and The Kardashians. It’s my dirty little secret.
- I was a terrible teenager and really pushed the limits up into my early twenties. How my mother survived raising me with her sanity intact is a mystery to me. I am solid proof that guardian angels exist.
- I was a stay-at-home mother until I was divorced at age 40. I went back to school and completed a 2 year program in cardiac sonography and finally started my 2nd career (the first being a mom) at the age of 42.
- I’m clumsy and I fall down. A lot. Fortunately they tell me that I have “strong bones”.
- I love visiting hotels but I hate sleeping in them because the beds creep me out. I love my bed, my covers, my pillows…etc.
- I am registered on the official Roll of the Osage Tribe in Pawhuska, Oklahoma (my Mom’s side of the family).
- I drive a Chevy Tahoe and it’s my favorite car ever. 🙂
And finally, create links to some blogs that you think are worth reading …here you go!! Michelle is hilarious, her blogs make me laugh out loud. She isn’t afraid to be a potty mouth when the situation calls for it and I LOVE that in a girl. She seems like a really good mom too and the stories about her kids make me smile. 🙂 Neshanne is a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force serving in Japan. I love this girl! Beth is a new blogger to me that I stumbled upon through Foodbuzz…low cal, healthy stuff. Check it out! These two are ADORABLE!
Enough for today readers, be sure to look at my rib recipe that I posted last night. They were delish!
Happy cooking,
May 17, 2012
Oh my goodness thank you so much! I’ve been a little under the weather and havent been at my computer in awhile till today, so surprised thank you I feel a ton better already 😉
Beth Roan
May 11, 2012
Thank you so much. I am truly honored and have to say I love yours too! Looking forward to following you!
May 11, 2012
happy to have you and I’ll be reading your posts, love what you’ve created Beth!
Bethany Grow
May 11, 2012
Aww!! Thanks so much!! That’s so sweet!! Just plain awesomeness.
May 11, 2012
Isn’t the blogging world GREAT???? Keep doing what you’re doing…love your website!
May 10, 2012
This made my freaking day! THANK YOU!
May 10, 2012
Just what I thought you’d say, hahaha!!!!