And I Want To Thank…..

Last week was quite exciting for an up and coming food blogger like myself. Imagine my surprise when I received not one, not two but three Liebster Blog Awards from my fellow foodies. Liebster is German and it translates to “favorite”, meaning that someone else out there thinks my little baby is worth reading on a regular basis. My recipes, photographs and verbal rants have somehow been heard and, more importantly, understood. They dig me. And I thank each and every one of them for the recognition.
The first Liebster Award was presented to me by Jen from Jen is one of the first bloggers I ran into when I ventured out into the big, wide world of foodies of the internet. Her website is full of the kind of food that I love. I’m talking banana donuts folks. I mean, seriously, who can look at a picture of a warm banana donut and not be inspired to sprint into the kitchen? Check out her blog and put some comfort into your next meal.
My second award was given to me by Priscilla of Priscilla has one of the most beautiful websites I’ve ever seen. I love her photography! She first caught my attention when I saw a recent post for Pastry Cream & Blackberry Tartlets that made my mouth water. Look at her desserts and see if you don’t want to make her entire collection for Valentines Day. I dare you.
My third and final nod came from, appropriately, three young professionals living in the same building in Toronto who put together a food website called I love that they casually mention in their bio that “one of them may own a monkey”. Those of us who are into food blogging tend to be just a tad quirky and that’s really what draws us together. I can’t help but remember my love for Chandler, Phoebe and Rachel when I’m surfing through their website. Onion Goggles offers you recipes and photography that are off the charts. Go to their website and see if you don’t agree with me.
The way this deal works is that it is now my turn to pass a Liebster Award on to five (relatively) new bloggers that have captured my attention of late. Here are the rules:
- Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog
- Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you
- Copy and paste the blog award on your blog
- Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed
- Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog
And without further adieu, here are the winners: I love Andrea’s blog because she opens a window to her life as a young, urban, stay-at-home mom living in NYC. Her blogs take me back to the years that I was at home full time raising my own children. As I explored her site I felt like I had known her forever. That’s when you know you’re reading something special. Is Butter A Carb? This site is written by a funny, funny Irish guy living in Glasgow who is a student and just happens to love to cook. He has some wonderful recipes, his Irish Soda Bread is on my “must make” list. I love his blog because his food looks delicious and he seems like a really good soul. Take a look at Liam’s website, he will put a smile on your face. I promise. Okay, so I subscribe to this self professed oddball and his posts are the highlight of my day when they pop into my inbox. They are FUNNY. And his recipes are pretty amazing too, although a tad humbling because his style is a bit more sophisticated than mine. But I don’t hold that against him. 🙂 Shannon started blogging just a few months before I did but you should see her collection of posts! This girl is an ambitious cook who just puts out so many amazing recipes that I can hardly keep up. If you haven’t ventured to her site then you need to check it out. You’ll be glad you did. The name alone had me at hello. Oh, Bite It! has some Superbowl recipes that you need to check out before you hit the grocery store today. Look at her “football dogs” and then casually scroll down and feast your eyes upon her cinnamon rolls stuffed with cream cheese. I’m hooked and will be following her blog religiously just in case I don’t have enough naughty recipes on my own blog.
And there you have it folks, a list of talented, creative cooks who also just happen to have something to say every now and then. We are birds of a feather and I am forever grateful to those who came before me and then graciously welcomed me into this amazing little subculture called Food Blogging.
I’ll get back to you tomorrow with my weekend culinary adventures. I bought my first electric deep fryer yesterday. I also have a gorgeous pork loin marinating in the fridge and I’ll be stuffing it with fresh swiss chard from our winter garden later this afternoon. Swiss chard, soy sauce, pine nuts, garlic, a little sugar and fresh bread crumbs…could it sound any better?
Happy cooking!
February 9, 2012
Congrats on your awards!! I am so glad you are able to share your love of cooking, nurturing others and your quick wit with the rest of the world through your blog. Now others can love you I like do. I’m so happy for you!!
I look forward to browsing the blogs you have mentioned!
February 10, 2012
You are so sweet, thank you for your support!
Priscilla M
February 6, 2012
Thank you for the kind words. I’ve been a big fan of your blog and congrats on the awards.
February 4, 2012
Thanks for the kind words!! Knowing people are checking out the blog and liking the recipes makes me want to keep posting!!
Andrea (questfordelish)b
February 4, 2012
Thank you so very much. That was very sweet and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to award me and to write something so special. Your blog is wonderful and I love following it.
Liam @ "Is butter a carb?"
February 4, 2012
Awwwwww thank you so much! You absolute sweetheart! I’m loving your blog by the way! One new follower for you 😉
February 4, 2012
Congrats! And here’s to many more food accolades in the future!