Strawberries & Flank Steak

A lot of the time I don’t really know what I’m going to make on Sunday until I complete my grocery shopping the day before. I am an odd duck who absolutely loves to wander through grocery stores aimlessly and without an agenda while I wait to be inspired.
Such was the case yesterday when my eye caught this beautiful basket of bright red strawberries. I looked at them and remembered that only a few short months ago I was bored to death with these gorgeous little beauties. That was then and this is now. It’s January, almost February in fact, and the taste of a strawberry was sounding mighty delightful. And so they came home with me and we were able to enjoy some delicious strawberry scones this morning that are featured under Breakfasts and Breads. These are easy breezy to make with no yeast, no need for rising or any other such nonsense that might scare you away from checking out the recipe.
I also tried the flank steak marinade recipe that I mentioned in my blog yesterday. I loved it and I think you will too, it’s under Main Courses and it’s the perfect way to prepare a rather modest cut of beef. The ingredients are probably in your kitchen on any given day other than the rosemary which I happen to have but you can always substitute with any fresh herb. Or, pick up some rosemary in the produce department of your grocery store and throw what’s left into your freezer. You’ll have plenty for many more marinades to come.
In case you didn’t know, this is Catholic Schools Week. My Mother was absolutely passionate about Catholic education. I love to support the parents who sacrifice so much to send their children to a Catholic School. I know first hand what it takes because I did it and trust me when I tell you that it’s not easy to write those tuition checks. Then there are the endless fundraisers that are required when you run a school without Federal Subsidy. And let’s not forget that although the days of physical discipline are long gone (thank goodness) there are still stringent guidelines for behavior and performance that many children and their parents find challenging. You don’t stomp into the Principal’s Office at a Catholic School and demand justice for your child. They will simply smile and ask if you need any assistance in withdrawing your little angel and then they will generously help you empty his or her desk. It is, in my opinion, the best deal in town and I’m so glad that I stuck it out with my own kids because I fervently believe that they benefited greatly from a Catholic education.
My Mother never stepped foot into the town in which I now live since I didn’t even meet my husband until 6 months after she passed away in 2002. But I know that she loved St. Paul in Richardson, Texas where my children grew up and I think she would feel the same about St. Maria’s where I now go to church in Arlington. I had the opportunity to create a memorial for my Mother this week by submitting a donation from my siblings and I that will help provide the school children with a new playground surface. It’s part of their annual appeal for the school and it just so happened that I made the donation last night while attending Mass during Catholic Schools Week. When the work is completed there will be a plaque on the playground of a Catholic School in Texas that will bear my Mother’s name. And so she will live on in places that she never knew and I like the idea of that a lot.
As I walked out of Mass last night I looked up at the stars and gave my Mother a smile. I could swear I heard her say “Well done daughter. And I love MY website. Keep blogging sugar”.
Enjoy what’s left of your weekend and happy cooking!
January 29, 2012
I always enjoy your blogs and today’s was no exception. It brought tears to my eyes when you wrote about honoring your mother with a donation in her name to a cause that so important to her, educating children. Thanks for sharing your inspirations, passion for cooking and love of family with us.
January 29, 2012
thank you Jami, I am blessed to have friends and family who “get me”. 🙂
Brittany Bonney
January 29, 2012
Oh my that literally brought huge tears to my eyes!
January 29, 2012
I confess that I might have shed a tear (or two) myself. 🙂
January 29, 2012
thank you my sweet friend!
January 29, 2012
I simply love these blogs of yours! Please continue to find your inspiration where ever you can as I so enjoy the fruits of those inspirations! Well done, again, my friend!